At Physiomac, patient safety is our number one priority. We know that this is a concerning time for many, and we are aware that some patients may be hesitant over the safety of attending for a physiotherapy appointment. We hope the following information helps to re-assure that we are doing everything to ensure our practice will aim to be as safe as possible once we re-open (more on this later!).
Over the last couple of months we have acquired the appropriate PPE supplies advised by public health authorities. We are stringently following the guidance provided to us by our professional bodies for returning to providing face to face consultations.
As the knowledge and understanding of Covid-19 deepens, and as time passes, it is likely that physiotherapy practice will evolve too. However, for now the below changes will be the “new normal” for the way we deliver care:
Modified clinic hours for the next 3 months.
When you contact us for an appointment, you will be asked if you wish a video consultation or wish to attend the clinic in person. We encourage a video consult in the first instance- which aligns with current guidelines.
Prior to attendance you will be sent a health screening questionnaire that should be returned 24hours prior to your appointment. Upon receiving this we may respectfully decline to see you should it be unsafe to do so.
It is important you understand the risks should you choose to attend.
Please do not attend your appointment if you are feeling unwell, have a temperature, a cough, loss of smell, or are supposed to be self-isolating.
The clinic door will be locked. We ask that you arrive no more than 10 minutes before your appointment and call us when outside. We will then let you in!.
We will ask to take your temperature. This will be done in a safe manner.
We will also ask you to use the hand sanitiser provided.
We kindly ask that you wear a face covering during the appointment.
Remember we will be wearing the correct PPE ourselves!
In the current climate we encourage that you attend alone, however should a parent/guardian/carer be required then they will also need to comply with our protocols. Please also note that appointments will be staggered. This will allow us to carry out thorough cleaning between patients and to minimise social contact between patients.
In terms of reopening, the guidance for physiotherapy care in Scotland is unclear currently. Scotland is undertaking a phased approach to exiting lock-down and is transitioning towards Phase 2. Our interpretation of the guidance is that routine physiotherapy care, will be able to return during Phase 3.
We appreciate this is a lot of information to take in! We are trying to keep this as simple as possible. To help you out, we will email we what you need to do/know prior to attendance of any clinic appointment.
There maybe be some changes in the protocols, however rest assured you will still receive the same great service as before.
Best wishes,
Andy and Ryan